Tuesday, May 29, 2007

dear editor

Dear editor: I would like to suggest two measures
concerning the topic of students' essays need

Name: Nick Liu劉家鴻
Address: 北縣土城市延平街62巷1弄1號5樓
Phone Number: 0912504044

I would like to suggest two measures concerning
the topic of students' essays need improving,
which posted on 29th May. Firstly, school could
make compulsory rules asking students for the
extra-curriculum reading. Secondly, school could
provide students with writing class or personal
consultation or teacher.
By compulsory extra-curriculum reading, students
can learn good sayings, idioms, and words from
books, which are highly recommended by school.
Once they read a lot, they could use them
properly in writing. Most of the students now are
mainly depending on the Internet reading, which
often contains many vernaculars or Martian words,
(though they are not harmful to read.) but few of
the teenagers read in books. By surfing the
Internet, they could hardly acquire the usage of
these writing skills. If school could force them
to read in books, they may learn a lot good
sentences, using them well in writing.
After reading, students may start to write or
criticize only by hand what they have read. Only
through constant writing do students make
progress in it. But, they are not just write,
their essay should be revised and commented on
the structure, the phrase, and the coherence. At
the same time, teacher or consultant should
severely prohibit their writing from Martian
words, and ask them revise essay.
If the two methods could be applied, they will
help students make progress in writing, at least,
they will cultivate them the habit to write.

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