Sunday, October 15, 2006

What's in a Name by Kevin Huang

What’s In a Name
by YE4A, Kevin Huang, 1094100039

I think the reasons Kadab cites for why people change their names is a very strong point to notify the reader that there’s actually lot’s of people changing their names legally to pronounce it correctly and easily and to Americanize it. In my opinion, I believe few people who change their names are because they might be ashamed of their own ethnic appellations since some people might make fun of their names.

The melting pot in this article probably refers to a huge area with many different ethnic groups, using America as an example. Nowadays, ethnic pride is growing fast and more and more different ethnic groups are living in America. Therefore, foreign ethnic groups and Americans can be described as goulash boiling on the fire to fit their selves in and to be part of it. Although, they all live in the same place yet their names still influences them. Others may judge them just by the name. For example, even if you’re an American born Chinese, a citizen of America, yet, still you have a Chinese name such as Huang. Some people will still define you as an Asian. No matter what happens, you are still going to be an Asian. Your name represents your nation.

American identity is no longer defined by homogeneity. It is now defined by pluralism. I myself agree to this point. It’s a combination with many other different ethnic groups and culture. Without combining different culture but deucedly defining our own culture, this will lead our social world back to tribalism. And tribalism will lead us to complications and clash with different cultures. This is not what the social world needs.

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